At A Glance

UAE Based Healthcare Provider

On-Premises to SharePoint Online

Solution Implemented
Migration to SharePoint Online
Customer Objective:
- SharePoint provides a central repository for documents and a way of sharing them with version and access controls. The previous method of emailing documents to colleagues made it very hard to keep track of which document was the most up-to-date and resulted in a very large amount of data being stored on the company’s email server.
- The objective was to build a comprehensive platform for diverse departments that would streamline easy sharing of patient records, Doctor records and increase efficiency while controlling operational expenses.
- Security fixes for vulnerabilities that may make the server vulnerable to security breaches.
Why SharePoint Online?
Cloud Based and a centralized hub.
Seamless integration with Microsoft Office
Document collaboration
Integration with Microsoft Teams.
How GetMax did it?
- Understood the customer challenges by detailed in-depth discussions with their IT team.
- Architect a technical implementation solution for G-suite migration and presented the solution to the IT team on Microsoft Teams.
- Final presentation of approved solution to their management team on Microsoft Teams and getting a sign-off for the project.
GetMax, Microsoft Gold Partner Network and an experienced SharePoint Deployment Service provider was chosen to assist customer with setting-up Global Intranet in Office 365. GetMax’s certified pre-sales consultants worked with customer’s IT & user teams to design a robust information architecture for cloud implementation.
Customer’s SharePoint engineers built a global intranet linking users from eight different sites.
- This resulted in seamless knowledge exchange and transfer. Department sites were created for intra-department collaboration and became a one-stop-shop for end users.
- Multiple site templates were created to allow creation of currently identified departmental sites and any future sites. These were configured in Office 365 environment, following best practices.
- Brand guidelines could therefore be easily followed and a uniform `look and feel’ maintained across the platform. Doctor’s directory was created with user profiles and respective skillsets to render the patient’s search process easier. This aided collaboration for effective knowledge management.
The engineers then worked with users to analyze existing content to help them classify and migrate from local network file share to Office 365 using custom migration scripts.
- The Global Intranet deployed on Cloud provided a cost-effective way to manage information. The excess space used by Doctor’s shared drives and servers could now be freed up for other forms of unique content.
- Our solution helped search aided collaboration to facilitate better knowledge transfer.
- Custom search service with scope set for better relevance, content retrieval and reusability.
User Friendly Rendering The intranet was rendered with rich UI that was in line with customer’s external image. Customer anticipated that the new intranet will save cost on maintenance and support